Reebok 18K and 20K skates:
The old knock on Reebok skates is they were that they fit huge, they are uncomfortable, and they aren't durable. The new 18K ($599.99) and the 20K ($799.99) skates completely change that. Even without the LS2 steel and holder these skates are almost as light as the Bauer $800 and $600 skates. Reebok has upgraded their eyelets which was the least durable part of the skates. New on these skates too is an exterior skeleton on the heel of the boot. This feature also makes the skate much more durable as well as giving stiffness in the back of the boot yet allowing the tongue and the front part of the boot to have some flexibility. Also on these new model skates, Reebok has gone with a more anatomical fitting skate, this gives the skate a much better fit, not nessecarily an out of the box fit but a better long term fit. When shopping for skates check these skates out, they are legitimate. They are a cross between the Bauer Vapor's construction and the Bauer Supremes materials. Right now in my opinion these skates are a legitimate threat to Bauer's supremecy over the skate market, and for my money right now these skates are the top skates on the market, based on what Bauer just released in the Supreme NXG skate line.
Bauer NXG Skates
For the 2012 model year, Bauer updated their Supreme skates line. There's not a lot to say about these skates becasue Bauer didn't do much to upgrade them. They added a little more yellow, a honeycomb pattern and a few minor adjustments to the TotalOne skates and jacked up the prices throughout the Supreme line. On the TotalOne skates the only adjustments are the improved gold eyelets and a full flex tongue (They still offer the tongue inserts for flexibility but the bare tongue comes very flexible out of the box). Other than changing the names on the skates, for example the One.8 skates are the same as the old One80 skates the line didn't change at all below the TotalOne skate model. (The One.9 skates replaced the One100's) If you're looking for Supreme skates, look for closeouts first, you'll save some cabbage that way and you'll have money left over to get an additional item.
Easton Mako Stick
This stick is an awesome stick. Right now each brand of stick manufactures is selling to lines of stick, one stick is usually designed for power (Bauer Supremes), the other is designed for a quick release (Bauer Vapor). The Easton Mako is designed as a power stick but it plays in between, giving the product a nice balance throughout the stick of power and release. The stick has a nice, simple paint job, and the white paint makes it catchy in the stores. If you were a fan of the SE 16 sticks as well as the ST line of sticks, the Easton Mako line combines both of them for feel and durability. I currently use this stick and I love it more than anyother stick on the market today.
Easton Stealth Protective
The new Easton Stealth protective lineup is simple, a little more streamlined, not as bulky as other protective lines. The main difference in the new Stealth protective lineup you'll see in stores is the Jet Black coloring you'll see on the gear with the yellow, green, red, blue trim on the gear to distinguish between price points.
CCM Crazy Light and Crazy Tough Protective

That's a little bit on everything released in April, 2012. May is going to see more released gear, such as goalie equipment, Bauer protective, as well as a sneak peek into the Bauer Nexus lineup set to be released in the summer and fall.
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