Thursday, February 2, 2012

Go To a Hockey Game.

If you call yourself a sports fan, you should go to a hockey game.  Watching hockey doesn't do you any service.  Hockey isn't video taped well.  It is incredibly faster in person than on the television tube. 

Let's face it Hockey is the greatest sport on the planet (Opinion).  It is the fastest sport (Fact). There's scoring, there's hitting, there's fighting, and there's blood.  Soccer is slow and boring.  Football is great but their offseason lasts longer than their entire season including preseason and playoffs.  Baseball is great because of it's rich history and traditions (Hockey is rich in history and traditions too), but in hockey there isn't a 20 second break in between every pitch.  The only reason why hockey isn't the most popular sport in the world is because it is tremendously expensive, both in equipment and keeping the ice frozen. 

With that said, if you're a sports fan and you enjoy hockey, you have to go to the games to get the full experience of the game.  In North America, where ever you live, you're no more than a 2 hour drive to the home barn of a high level hockey team. 

Here's a few reasons why you should go to a hockey game.
1. Hockey is a great place to go on a date.  Girls and women for that matter LOVE hockey.  Something about watching 20 men go into battle sparks their interest.  I can't tell you how many chicks I've gotten to go out with me because I played or because I had tickets to a game.

2. There's fighting. In the sports fan dictionary there's a saying, "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out." Hockey is the only sport on Earth (other than UFC, Boxing, "Wrestling") where fighting your opponent is allowed.  Camera angles can not capture the excitement of seeing a fight live in person.

3.  Hockey players are entertaining, what they say to each other, the other team, both on and off the ice is incredibly entertaining.  An example being the All-Star game or the 24/7 television series on HBO.  When you're at the game you can hear some of what is said.

4. Hockey fans are unlike any other sports fan.  Their passion and excitement for the game of hockey can not only be seen and heard, but it can be felt.  It is intoxicating.  And you can't get it sitting on your ass watching it at home. 
Hockey Season is about halfway through with most teams finishing up between March and June.  Go to a hockey game, I promise you that you will not regret it.

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