Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hockey Player's Routine

Every elite level hockey player has one.  A pre-game ritual or routine.  Every game, every practice this routine is done like clockwork.  Over my hockey playing career I did the exact same thing for every game.  Here's my routine.

1. Wake up, Drink a bottle of water
2. Breakfast - Eggs, Whole Wheat Toast with Peanut Butter, Hot Oatmeal with fruit and skim milk
3. A quick 1 mile run
4. A quick 30 minute workout - Squats, Sit Ups, Push Ups, Shuttle Runs (Sprints, High Knees, ect.)
5. A bottle of water
- Depending what time the game is

Afternoon Game -
Lunch - Turkey Sandwich, Trail Mix (No Candy), Banana (For Potassium, prevents cramps)
Nap - Depending on what time the game is 30 min. - 2 hrs.
Bottle of Water
Go to the Arena
Equipment Maintanence (Skate Sharpening, Tape Sticks, Check Screws on Skates & Helmet)
Pre-game workouts, stretching, Goalie Reflex Drill (Coach throwing a ball against the wall behind the goalie)

Night Game-
Lunch - Grilled Chicken Breast on top of angel hair pasta and marinara sauce, 2 bottles of water, almonds
Nap - 2 Hrs
Snack - Bowl of cereal (cinnamon toast crunch), banana, bottle of water
Go to the Arena
Equipment Maintanence
Pre-Game Workouts

Post-Game snack - trail mix (w/candy), Bottle of water
quick workout - 1 Mile run or depending on the weather 10 min. on the bike

When I was playing, if I didn't stick closely to my routine I didn't play well.  It wasn't so much about my physical abilities but it definetly threw me off my game mentally. 

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